
Friday 31 July 2015

What is Gurupurnima?

                                                TODAY IS 31st JULY 2015 "full moon day"

                                 Guru purnima is an full moon day for an ordinary people but in aspects of spiritual level its an auspicious day celebrated for their respected gurus...

                                 Its an important in life to have an guru which help us in all the difficulties, showing us what is correct for us, gurus is not only an leader to us they are good friend, teacher, parent...etc

                                  In india & nepal this is an special auspicious day, celebrated for their gurus who help them in each and every way out.

                                  It said to belived what u think on full moon day, nature will returned it double what you think, say a good thought or thinking for good life etc. nature will double your happy & good life as vice-versa if you think of someting bad or wrong, remain unhappy , think about bad and worst thought. the nature or guru will return the double of what you think...


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