
Tuesday 4 August 2015

    Pleasure and pain, happiness and grief, friendliness and enmity are temporary experiences!!

      Bhagvad Gita Chapter 2.14 God Krishna says, "O Kontey, the interaction of sense and sense objects give the heat, cold, pleasure and pain. These sensual feelings are temporary, appearing and disappearing; therefore you tolerate them."

      Pleasure and pain, happiness and grief, friendliness and enmity, desire and fatuation, these are experiences of our sensory organs. Because our sensory organs eyes, ear, nose, skin, tongue, and mind are constantly in the receptive mode, it keeps getting these feelings. When you hear good words it pleases your sense but when you hear abusive words then it creates agony. Similarly when you eat a tasty food it pleases our tastebuds but, when we eat bitter food then it creates unpleasant feeling. But, these feelings are not permanent, it keeps changing.

     God Krishna says that one should never consider any of the sensory agonies as permanent and act based on these temporary feelings. Wise people learn to master the skills for ignoring these mental disturbances. Favorable and unfavorable circumstances are just a cyclic wheeling of nature like too much heat or too much cold; both can make a tree lifeless.

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